Prospective Donors
The UN JPO Programme at a glance
- JPOs are recruited under bilateral agreements between the UN JPO Programme and donor countries. Upon joining the Organization, JPOs are subject to the UN staff rules and regulations. JPO positions are generally at the P2 level.
What is the objective?
- To provide young professionals with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of multilateral international cooperation and develop their competencies and work skills and to contribute to the advancement of their organization’s mandate, particularly with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals/ 2030 Agenda.
Download our fact sheet for donors for more information.
How does a country become a donor of the Junior Professional Officers (JPO) Programme?
- Interested Member States can contact the UN JPO Programme team at DESA for any inquiries on the Programme i.e. requirements, general process, cost implications et al.
- Member States joining the UN JPO Programme sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the donor government and UN/DESA. Most Member States sign the existing standard MoU for participation in the UN JPO Programme while some may have additional national requirements reflected as an Annex. Once the text is agreed upon, the Capacity Development Programme Management Office (CDPMO) of UN/DESA will prepare a final version in two originals. The name and title of the signatory on the side of the donor government is required. Both originals will be then sent to the donor government for signature. Once the representative of the donor government signs and returns the originals, CDPMO will send them to the Executive Office of UN/DESA for signature. Kindly note that if there are substantial changes to the standard agreement the document may need to go through the UN Office of Legal Affairs (UN/OLA) for review, which may cause delay.
- UN/DESA’s Finance office opens a specific project account. Once the agreement is signed, the donor government may start reserving JPO positions and the initial stages of recruitment can begin, mainly assessment of candidates and selection. The first transfer of funds will have to take place in order for UN/DESA/CDPMO to send the letter of offer to selected candidates.
The general process with all our donor governments is:
- The donor country is granted access to all the JPO vacancies, and advises the UN JPO Programme team which posts it wishes to sponsor. The UN JPO Programme team will confirm that the position is still available and the post will then be officially reserved for the donor government.
- Most participating Member States publish JPO vacancy announcements at national level, conduct a pre-selection and submit a short-list of candidates (using the UN JPO Programme Personal History Forms – PHPs to the UN JPO Programme team at DESA. Some donor delegate the publication and prescreening of candidates to the UN JPO Programme team.
- Upon receipt or endorsement of the shortly, the UN JPO Programme team at DESA sends the short-list of candidates and their PHPs together with a formal evaluation request form to the receiving UN department/office in question.
- The final selection of the candidate is made by the receiving UN department through competency-based interviews..
- Upon completion of the interview process, the UN JPO Programme team at DESA receives the completed evaluation report from the UN department, together with their recommendation and the order of preference of the candidates, should the top-rated applicant not be available. The UN JPO Programme team shares the selection outcome with the donor for their endorsement and verification of the continued interest and availability of the selected candidate.
- Once the confirmation is received, the UN JPO Programme team starts the onboarding/recruitment process, including submission of the individual cost estimate to the donor. For more information please contact us.
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